It all begins with basketball.
And a Vision.

VisionC organizes an annual 4-5 day long overnight basketball camp for 100 kids in Douala, Cameroon. 

VisionC proudly hosted Its 1st and 2nd annual basketball camps in the summers of ‘22 and ‘23.

The camps host boys and girls between the ages of 14-17 preselected across Cameroon for a free 4-5 day overnight basketball camp, comprised of activities, lessons, games, along with meals, housing and gear.

VisionC is proud to announce its 3rd annual basketball camp will take place in the summer of 2024! Exact dates will be announced soon!

Impact Report 2022

• The camp brought kids from across Cameroon for 3 days to experience a taste of what basketball could be and an escape from their regular challenging summer hustles.

• Through the camp, we were able to create a platform for kids to bond and connect with other sharing the same passion.

• Each kid was able to receive brand new (not common) shoes, and basketball & school supplies.

• We helped improve basketball skills, build self-esteem and nurture dreams.

• The camp was able to create momentum not only with campers but also in the local community and media outlets creating the positive space for future years.